B52 CLASSIC CAT Reverb : 20 WATT

1 Channel, 2 Input : Line Out

Speaker Impedance Selector

The Classic Cat is all about simplicity and yet delivers rich, clean complex tone with amazing dynamic response all within two knobs. The Tone Control obtains a spectrum which has a more uniform sound that will allow you to adjust the frequency response achieving a more natural result. Whether you are using humbuckers or single coils, by using the amp’s volume, you guitar’s volume control and your pick attack, you can get varying degrees of clean to smooth overdriven sounds.

The Classic Cat dual 6V6 power supply with a 12AY7 preamp section delivers an array of tonal shapes.

Dimensions: 24"L x 18.5"H x 10.75"D : Weight: 53 lbs.

Cijena: 4.100,00 kn

1 Channel, 2 Input : Line Out

Speaker Impedance Selector

The Classic Cat is all about simplicity and yet delivers rich, clean complex tone with amazing dynamic response all within two knobs. The Tone Control obtains a spectrum which has a more uniform sound that will allow you to adjust the frequency response achieving a more natural result. Whether you are using humbuckers or single coils, by using the amp’s volume, you guitar’s volume control and your pick attack, you can get varying degrees of clean to smooth overdriven sounds.

The Classic Cat dual 6V6 power supply with a 12AY7 preamp section delivers an array of tonal shapes.

Dimensions: 24"L x 18.5"H x 10.75"D : Weight: 53 lbs.

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Perfect Review by Tony


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